Vega Price Modeling (v23-11-24)

Vega Price Modeling (v23-11-24)

Vega Price Modeling (v23-05-01)

Vega reward distrubition Structure.

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Staker Reward(Infrastructure fee) = 0.03% of Trading Volume in Vega Protocol
* infrastructure fee will be passed through governance, it could be change the rate.

If) Vega Protocol Reached $1B Volume per day

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→ 319,000 $Vega Holder Share About 1% of Stakers Reward.
1) When Vega Protocol Reached $1B Volume → $300,000 For Staker Reward ⇒ 319,000 $Vega Holder can get $3,000


1 $vega can earn $0.009 per day 1 $vega can earn $0.27 per month 1 $vega can earn $3.24 per year
Target Interest Rate : 6% 1 $vega Price will be $54

1줄요약 : 베가에서 1B$ 거래량이 발생하면 베가의 기대 가치는 $54 + @


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